Restoration Therapy
Understanding and Guiding Healing in Marriage and Family Therapy
by Terry D. Hargrave, Franz Pfitzer
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- Release date: May 11, 2011
- Genres: counselling
- Language: english
- ISBN: 9780415876261 (0415876265)
- Format: paperback, 242 pages
- Author: Terry D. Hargrave, Franz Pfitzer
- Publisher: Routledge
About The Book
How can a therapist help his or her clients and ensure that they continue to maintain the insights and motivations learned during therapy in everyday life, beyond termination? Restoration Therapy is a professional resource that introduces the reader to the essential elements of its namesake, and from there guides clinicians to a systemic understanding of how certain forces lead to destructive cycles in relationships, which perpetuate more and more dysfunction among members. Clients and therapists both will understand issues more clearly, experience the impacts that emotion can have on insight, and practice the process so more loving and trustworthy relationships can take hold in the intergenerational family.
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